• Hello!
    In checkout page after introducing card detail i receive follow message :
    “This transaction has been completed, but the total of items in the cart did not match the total of all items. (Transaction error) something is wrong.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution



    “This transaction has been completed, but the total of items in the cart did not match the total of all items. (Transaction error) something is wrong.

    This might be related to WooCommerce plugin and not our addon.

    I recommend that you carry out a test but first clear your browser cache before you proceed with your test.

    Let me know how you go.

    Thank you

    I have same issue intermitently. Woo Commerce say it is the plug in provider for the paypal pro plugin who need to resolve this issue.

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Thank you @robadeedoo123 for reporting this message from WooCommerce developers. I have submitted a message to the developers to investigate further this issue.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    I would like to get some more info on this so I can see where the mismatch is. Can you please give me all the amount values from that transaction so I can see if there is a number rounding issue causing the mismatch? Is there a particular product with a price amount that causes it? Are you using tax and/or shipping?

    Are you using the latest version of WooCommerce?

    I am also getting this error on my website http://www.rivalink.com.au.
    It only occurs when customers choose the paypal pro credit card option.
    Afterpay, Zippay, Normal Paypal etc all work correctly.
    Here is reply from Paypal.

    “Paypal is just a payment gateway which processes payments for the total amount being passed. In this case the total cost added up does not match with the totalAmount field. Hence the issue.

    Could you please get in touch with the Paypal PRO Woocommerce plugin support team/developer who would be able to assist you further with this issue? They internally use our plugins and we from Paypal end, do not have knowledge or access to their code and integration.

    Also, I did notice that a discount field was being passed/applied by the plugin for 6.86 USD. Not sure, but we do not have an option for the same at our end.”

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    I have updated the addon with a fix for this. This should fix the amount error with variable product with dynamic pricing. Please upgrade to v2.9.3 and let me know if you see the issue anymore after that.

    I updated the plugin last night, had 3 transactions fail when customers used this plugin only still.

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    Is it is a variable product? Can you post the URL to the page where I can go and add the item to the cart to see the product’s configuration? That will help me setup a similar test case on my site and then get better details.

    It’s usually when a customer adds something like these 2 products to the cart.



    They will order correctly with other gateways, just not paypal pro.

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    Thank you. That looks like a very customized and complex product configuration. Most likely there is another woocommerce addon on the site which is overriding some details (that is most likely preventing our addon from reading the correct quantity value for that product).

    I have made a couple of little tweaks that maybe helpful for your particular setup. Can you please test it by downloaded the following copy of the addon?

    Delete the currently installed copy of the Woo PayPal pro addon from your site and then upload and install the above mentioned one.

    Does it work better?

    Still hasn’t worked with customers trying to use paypal pro last night.

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    I have removed the code to pass the individual item amount passing to resolve this. This was added by a user of this addon but it seems to be causing a issues on a few sites so better to remove it for now. Please upgrade to v2.9.4 and let me know how it goes.

    Thanks, have updated. Will see how it goes turned on overnight.

    It still didn’t work for some reason. I have disabled paypal pro as it is just returning too many errors and failed orders. All other payment plugins are still operating as normal.

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    Sorry it didn’t work. I couldn’t reproduce this one on my site. Without being able to reproduce the error on a site where I can add PHP code to get more details, I am left with having to guess what combination is causing this. The permutations and combinations are too many for that.

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