• Resolved keepsmilyn


    We are getting the following error in our website logs from this plugin: “Scripts-to-Footer Plugin Error: Error in taxonomy check”.

    How do we fix this? Is it a bug or error that needs resolving? Happy to supply login for our staging environment if necessary.

    Thank you!

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  • I am getting the same. Please provide a valid fix.

    Plugin Author Joshua David Nelson


    Hey there, @keepsmilyn – apologies, I didn’t see your post earlier. Thanks to @cedashuv for piping in and pushing it to the top of my inbox.

    Sorry for crowding up your logs! It looks like this error shows up when the user lands on a custom taxonomy archive, but there is not anything actual wrong going on.

    I’ll have a fix for this ready sometime this week.

    Plugin Author Joshua David Nelson


    Hey there!

    Sorry this took so long, but this issue should be resolved as of v0.6.4.1.

    Let me know if you have any other questions/issues.


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