• Resolved writerdreamer


    This error (warning) is displayed at the top of my posts page:

    Warning: Attempt to read property “post_content” on null in /home/themightypens/www/www/wp-content/plugins/essential-blocks/lib/style-handler/includes/class-parse-css.php on line 51

    It’s part of this statement:

    $reusable_content = parse_blocks( $reusable_block->post_content );

    I just added wpForo to my site, which might use “posts” differently? There are no posts on the wp-admin posts page that don’t have content.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hi @writerdreamer,

    Greetings. Really sorry for the inconvenience that you’re facing.

    I have just checked on my end and found that EB Post Grid block is working fine, I even tried with Twenty-Twenty Three theme also, as you can see here: https://d.pr/v/8OeI1k

    However, I suggest you, kindly make sure that you’re using the latest version of Essential Blocks plugin. If you’re using the latest, kindly share us with your Site Health Info by navigating here: WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Site Health -> Info -> Copy Site Info to Clipboard. Then paste it in PasteBin and share the link with us.

    No worries, we will check and get back to you soon.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter writerdreamer


    Thank you! Here is the pastebin info. https://pastebin.com/2x9AeZ1M

    I didn’t notice a problem before installing wpForo (and a few others so that might not be the culprit, but it’s the most likely). The problem is that the errors keep displaying even when I removed the EB Post Grid block from the page (and I’d still prefer to use the Post Grid if I can).

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi there,


    Thank you for the information. We will recheck it from our end and update you soon. We appreciate your patience.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter writerdreamer


    Thanks! FWIW I am still seeing the errors even after wpForo was deactivated. That doesn’t mean it might not have created something, but just FYI. Also if there’s a way to suppress those warnings if they’re not causing trouble that would be great! We don’t want to disable Essential Blocks because we use them 🙂

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @writerdreamer ,


    That seems strange. Can you please check for plugin conflicts by following this: You can check for Plugin conflicts by deactivating all the third-party plugins one by one except for Essential Blocks. Simply go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to wp-admin -> Plugins and then, deactivate other Plugins.

    Enable plugins one by one: Reactivate your plugins one by one, checking the website after each activation to see if the issue reappears. This will help you identify the plugins causing the conflict.

    Besides, you can switch to a different theme like Astra, Flexia or Twenty Twenty. And, check back as well.

    Let us know how it goes. Thank you!

    Thread Starter writerdreamer


    Hi! I’ve disabled as many plugins as I can while still keeping the site working, and I’ve cleared the minify CSS cache and the page cache and ctrl-F5 reloaded the page, and there are still the warnings displayed.

                    if ( isset( $attributes['ref'] ) && ! empty( $attributes['ref'] ) && $item["blockName"] === "core/block" ) {
                        $reusable_block                                  = get_post( $attributes['ref'] );
                        $reusable_content                                = parse_blocks( $reusable_block->post_content );
                        $reusable_blocks                                 = [];
                        $eb_blocks["reusableBlocks"][$attributes['ref']] = self::eb_block_style_recursive( $reusable_content, $reusable_blocks );

    This code looks like it’s assuming that get_post ( $attributes[‘ref’] ) will never return null. I have access to the database so I can check the post_content column, but I don’t know what $attributes[‘ref’] is looking for.

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @writerdreamer ,


    We are sorry to hear that your issue has not been resolved yet. Could you please reach out here? We would be happy to help you out.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter writerdreamer


    Thanks! I did.

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @writerdreamer ,

    Greetings. Thanks for reaching out to us.

    We will check and provide a response shortly. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards
    Have a Great Day!

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @writerdreamer ,


    We will now proceed to close this topic as your issue has been fixed. We wanted to let you know that you are always welcome to re-open the topic if you have further questions or concerns.

    Thank you,
    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter writerdreamer


    Hi @ashikurwp, has the fix you made for me been added to the EB plugin yet, such that I can upgrade? Thanks!

    Plugin Support Ashikur Rahman


    Hi @writerdreamer,

    Greetings. Hope you’re doing well.

    Yes, you can update your Essential Blocks now and follow this process after updating the plugin. Feel free to let us know if you face any issues after the update. We would be happy to help you.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.
    Thank you.

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