• Resolved Anna Arnay


    Our website is translated to 5 languages and we have a problem with the NextGEN Gallery.
    We can see the gallery in the 5 pages but when we click on “Show picture list” is only working in the Catalan version.
    When we go to the English version or another language displays a 404 error.
    This is the Catalan link working perfectly:
    And the English one:
    The gallery is the same for all languages.

    I have another question:
    I went to Gallery Settings – NextGEN Basic Slideshow – Thumbail link text – there I tried to translate the text into Catalan (from the Catalan version page) and has changed into Catalan in all language versions, so I’ll like to know if it is possible to have it translated for every language or not. Also if it’s possible to put the photo description text in each language, I haven’t been able to find any multilingual option.

    Probably my questions are very obvious but I’m not an expert, sorry.

    I’ll be thankful if someone can help me, 🙂

    Best regards,


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @masdeljoncar – Please make sure you have inserted the displays using the latest releases of NextGEN Gallery that use a generated shortcode versus the older <img> tag placeholder, this change over to generated shortcodes should provide for better support and/or integration with translation plugins/services that modify the URL of the page/post such as your example URL indicate.

    As to the issue with the text fields within the various options of NextGEN Gallery that are user inserted, these fields are not automatically translated as is due to the very nature of the option being user configurable. There is also no method that would be able to translate, “on-the-fly”, these fields.


    – Cais.

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