• Resolved asoriam



    I get the following error when somebody try to resubscribe in a list.

    “code”: “duplicate_parameter”,
    “message”: “Contact already exist”

    I am use the sendinblue integration by AFI plugin. The form plugin is gravity.

    When i remove the sendinblue contact the integration works fine. But this is not a good solution.

    It is important for us that our customers or leads can subscribe more than one time because they need sometime to change some register data.

    On the other hand, if i check the Update if contact already exists box, i get the following error:

    `Response Code
    Response Data
    Response Message
    No Content`

    Could you help me, please? Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by asoriam.
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  • Plugin Author Nasir Ahmed


    Hello @asoriam,

    Just check the “Update if contact already exists” box. That is the solution.

    1. While creating a new contact, Sendinblue retunrs code 201 with details of the contact in the response body

    2. While updating an existing contact, Sendinblue returns code 204 with no data in the response body.

    So what you are getting (code 204) is a success message. Usually, error codes are like 4xx or 5xx. Check the updated contact in your Sendinblue account.

    For quicker support please send emails to support@advancedformintegration.com

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Nasir Ahmed.
    Thread Starter asoriam


    Hello Nasir:

    Thank you very much for your quickly response. I checked again the checkbox that you mention and the info in sendinblue is updated. My problem was in the automation scenario of sendinblue, but it is already resolved.

    Congratulations for your plugin, it is really good.


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