• daphnetalbot


    Everything was great until the next day. Twenty hours after installation, the media gallery showed over 700 copies of the wc-square-gift-card-placeholder.png and growing. It was multiplying like bunnies. A support ticket to Automatic got a few responses. Once they mentioned that this was a known bug and they would make a note of it, they stopped answering emails. Upon some digging, this “bug” has been “known” for quite a while. They should pull this plugin off until it is fixed.

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  • Plugin Support Douglas I. a11n


    Hi @daphnetalbot, I am sorry to hear that this is happening to your site. I checked on our end and was unable to find a bug report that matches your issue. The closest issue I could find was that of the Square Gift Card image being added to merchants’ sites which was confusing in some cases as they did not add the image themselves.

    If this images is being largely duplicated on your site, then it is specific to your site and we will be happy to look into this further for you. Can you share the ID of the ticket from your previous ticket with me so I can take a look at it?

    Thread Starter daphnetalbot



    The previous support link is https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wc-square-gift-card-placeholder-png-continual-updates/#post-17802086

    I found another solution and let my client know their website was finished. Because of this, I don’t want to pursue the issue associated with this site.

    If I run across it again, I will let you know.

    Thank you for your offer to help.

    Plugin Support Douglas I. a11n


    Hi @daphnetalbot, thank you for sharing the link to the issue thread with me and for confirming that you are not willing to continue pursuing this issue at the time. If you encounter this issue again, feel free to open a ticket with us and one of our Happiness Engineers will respond to you right away.

    Do have a nice day!

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