• I’m experiencing an issue with search engine where users search for a specific number, such as “2211,” but the results also include “22.11” This is causing confusion, as users are looking for exact matches only.

    I need the search engine to return results for the exact number input by the user. If a user searches for “2211,” the results should only include “2211” and not “22.11.”Example Scenario

    1. User Input: 2211
    2. Current Behavior: The search engine returns results for both “2211” and “22.11.”
    3. Desired Behavior: The search engine should return results only for “2211.”

    I tried to set “whole words” in settings but without results.

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  • Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    How have you set up decimal separators in Relevanssi advanced indexing settings? It sounds like it is set to “Remove” and you want it to be “Keep” or “Replace with spaces”. Change the setting to “Remove” and reindex.

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