• Resolved Elena2021



    I use GoDaddy hosting and I do have your plugin with them have some problem when I click here: https://prnt.sc/V6IRcX3aNUQg its Not let me do it show pop up window

    Can’t turn auto-updates on. Please ask your hosting provider or developer for assistance.

    I already delete install again and same problem

    any suggestion, thank you

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  • Plugin Author WPChef


    Hello, this issue is related to the web hosting provider. They might have their own repository of our plugin installed in the MU folder.

    Thread Starter Elena2021


    thank you I will contact to hosting and findout

    This seems nonsense to me. As a hoster, I have been seeing this happen for many months, both with an Installatron installation and a separate plugin installation via WordPress itself. It has always worked well, until the last update.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by wned.
    Plugin Author WPChef


    So far we had 2 possible causes behind this issue:

    1. The plugin was installed twice – once via MU, another one manually by the user. This type of installation is incorrect and seems impossible, but yet quite a few LLAR users had this situation, when their web hosting providers preinstalled LLAR in a non-standard way.

    2. A conflict with WooCommerce. The latest version of LLAR plugin addressed this issue. If you have more detail about your situation, please share. There is always a possibility for other reasons causing this issue and we’re happy to debug and fix them.

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