• Resolved netcentsii


    I have not been able to access my WordPress website that is protected by Word Fence for almost a week.


    All I get and my webhoster gets when I go to this site is a blank screen.
    The hosting company tried adjusting PHP versions and then turned “display errors” that show these error messages which mention WORDFENCE:

    Warning: require_once(lib/wordfenceClass.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wtradio/public_html/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php on line 24

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘lib/wordfenceClass.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/alt/php54/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php54/usr/share/php’) in /home/wtradio/public_html/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/wordfence.php on line 24

    Was there a WF update a week or so ago?

    I can’t access my site at all except through CPANEL of the top level domain.

    Do these errors messages point to a WordFence issue? What corrective actions can I take?


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  • Thread Starter netcentsii


    I see this on the premium site and will try it.

    ‘Here’s how you regain access to your site: The easiest way to solve this problem immediately is to simply delete the Wordfence files from your WordPress installation. You can do that as follows:

    Connect to your server using the method your normally use to upload files. Most people either use FTP or SFTP to do this.
    Remove the Wordfence directory (or folder if you prefer). If your site has the standard WordPress structure, you can do this by simply deleting the wp-content/plugins/wordfence/ directory and everything underneath it.

    The above procedure will immediately unlock your site. If you are still seeing a message that you’re locked out, make sure you disable any caching plugins like W3 Total Cache, or clear their cache. If you can’t access the site to disable the caching plugin, you may have to temporarily rename the caching plugin directory to disable it. You may also have to clear any caches on a front-end caching proxy if you have an advanced configuration. ‘

    Thread Starter netcentsii


    I deleted WordFence directory and everything under it.

    I now have access to my site again.

    There have been a few recent WF updates. Others in this forum had a similar issue. Deleting and reinstalling Wordfence fixed it.

    Plugin Author Wordfence Security



    For future ref, we have an article on our help site on how to address this:


    The error you’re seeing indicates that one of Wordfence’s files are missing. This may have been a temporary glitch during an upgrade. e.g. Someone hits your site while Wordfence is being upgraded and this error is generated. If you see it repeatedly, post here to let us know.





    You have major issues with your WordPress installation, let alone Wordfence. Testing your front page on WebPageTest.org shows 304 re-directs, lack of compression on image files and a 10+ second home page download on the East Coast.

    See this report on WordPageTest

    I had a similar problem, followed the suggestion, deleting the Wordfence directory, but the blog page still does not load. I tested access through my phone beyond the range of my home WIFI and could not access. The IP is not me so I’ve been hacked. I haven’t posted for a while. The website is http://jmcdonald.info/southerncurrents/. This is the email message I got from the website:

    This email was sent from your website “Southerly Currents” by the Wordfence plugin at Friday 17th of April 2015 at 05:31:20 PM
    The Wordfence administrative URL for this site is: http://jmcdonald.info/southerncurrents/wp-admin/admin.php?page=Wordfence

    A user with IP address has been locked out from the signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 20. The last username they tried to sign in with was: ”
    User IP:
    User hostname: 62-210-140-103.rev.poneytelecom.eu

    I cannot see the file for the posts, although I doubt I’d recognise it.

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