• Hi

    I am trying to learn how to use trackserver and I am setting up embedded maps based on walks done last July in Corsica and a few days ago in Italia near Florence.

    I can apply to the map quite correctly the walks performed in Florence these days, even putting more than one of them on the same map. When I open the map view of these walks automatically the screen shows me the starting point and if I zoom back to see the entire Mediterranean, it does not bring back the maps of the old walks in Corsica. Here everything is fine.
    On the other hand, when I build an embedded map with last July’s walks in Corsica, when I preview the map, it places itself on the coordinates of Florence, brings back the track of my last walk in Florence (and it shouldn’t, because I didn’t mention it in the [tsmap track ) and I have to go look in the map for the walks in Corsica that were actually the subject of the map

    Ultimately I would like to know how to avoid that:
    1) at the time of opening the map will sem,pre place on Florence Italy
    2) how to avoid that the last walk always appears even when I load a map that should show an older one

    I hope I have been clear:
    Excuse my English, I used Deepl to tanslate from Italian

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter pikbadaluk


    Maybe I have to change something in class-trackserver-shortcode.php to allow each embedded map to open on the starting position of the first track in the map….. but I don’t know what…..

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