• Resolved macalusom


    Out of nowhere an email verification step was displayed in order to enter the woocommerce checkout page. We are not using anything that requires email verification and we checked all settings to make sure we dont require email verification. Now you cant access the checkout page without verifying your email. The class is: “woocommerce-form woocommerce-verify-email” and the message the customers are getting is: To view this page, you must either login or verify the email address associated with the order.

    what is this and why does it display? I cant find any info on this anywhere

    Seems to be after one of the recent WooCommerce plugin updates.

    If you’re logged in and make an order you get the normal process, but if you’re not logged in you get redirected to the ‘verify email’ page

    Is there any official reply from WooCommerce devs or instructions on why this was added/how to disable from plugin settings?

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by macalusom.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 58 total)
  • HI @macalusom

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand your concern about the unexpected email verification step that appears when trying to access the WooCommerce checkout page.

    The class you mentioned woocommerce-form woocommerce-verify-email and the message your customers are receiving seem to be related to a feature that requires users to verify their email address before proceeding to the checkout page. This feature is typically used to ensure the legitimacy of orders and to prevent fraudulent activities.

    However, you mentioned that you’re not using anything that requires email verification and you’ve checked all settings to ensure you don’t require email verification. If this step is appearing unexpectedly, it might be a result of a recent update or an issue with the plugin settings.

    As a first step, I’d like to understand your site properly. Please share with us the necessary information below for us to investigate the issue further:

    • System Status Report which you can find via WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support

    You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.

    Once we have more information, we’ll be able to assist you further.



    Same issue !



    @xue28 , can you share with me how can I turn off this security feature?

    By the way, I was looking for away to translate this message with LocoTranslate: To view this page, you must either login or verify the email address associated with the order.

    I thought this message was coming from Woo but I couldn’t find it there. Can you also tell me where’s that string is coming from?

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by wantyq.


    Same here !

    This just happened to us for the first time today. I would like to know how to disable this feature?!

    Since the order is being sent by email, if they receive it, then the email is fine ; why need to verify it afterwards?

    Plus I noticed it is capital sensitive ; a customer typed his email right but the first letter being a capital it didn’t let him proceed. Took me a while to udnerstand that.

    Thanks for any info



    I am glad to find this topic as I want to disable this feature as well.
    I find it quite strange that I couldn’t find any information about it in the changelog.



    Same issue!

    To view this page, you must either login or verify the email address associated with the order.

    How to fix it? No information!



    Same issue !

    Plugin Author konamiman


    Hi, please see this answer for details about that message, including a workaround to disable it.



    There is no answer behind that link, so would you please post the solution here?



    @konamiman, that forum link that you reffered us to is empty. There is no solution of fixing this problem. This topic wasn’t answered at all in two weeks. I think your support about this topic is very poor. You didn’t have time or any knowledge to answer this topic?



    There is no answer behind that link!!



    The look for a fix (or the problem) goes on on github, you may want to have a look here:



    @therab in github there are no answers which could allow or disable at all requirement to insert customer’s email



    +1 looking for a solution too



    I am having the same problem. Can someone please guide us what has happened? Its really frustrating!!! Please look into this issue.

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