• Resolved username201701


    My website was hit with a card testing attack the other day, in addition, my WordPress admin login was exploited and an FTP account was accessed.

    I have been experiencing email deliverability issues ever since. 0 emails from wordpress@mysite.com are getting through to gmail accounts. Only periodically were they being delivered to other webmail providers. Now absolutely none are going through. I can’t even send out password change requests. I’ve tested the site with an SMTP plugin and emails delivered from the admin gmail account are delivered.

    I’m using Google workspace as my email provider so my hosting company can’t help me at all. The issue seems to be with my website, however, because none of the DNS records were changed.

    What is going on??

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  • I’ve tested the site with an SMTP plugin and emails delivered from the admin gmail account are delivered.

    I’m using Google workspace as my email provider so my hosting company can’t help me at all.

    So how are emails being normally delivered from your website that’s not working now?

    With your hosting server, or with an SMTP plugin using one of your Google Workspace accounts?

    Thread Starter username201701


    I have never used an SMTP plugin for Google, I’ve had the appropriate DNS records set up and everything worked fine…until now. The hosting company said I’m trying to use their SMTP, but I didn’t make any changes for that to happen. Could the domain be hacked or is it being spoofed?

    Either I’m misunderstanding your problem, or you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. So let’s first get on the same page 😀

    If I understand your question from your original post, this is about emails sent FROM your WordPress site (by default comes from wordpress@example.com) that’s not getting delivered to Gmail accounts.

    It’s not about emails you compose and send from your Google Workspace (Gmail) to other email addresses.

    If this is correct, then my question was to get clarification on what tool on your site is actually sending these emails.

    Emails sent from your website (ie wordpress@example.com emails you mentioned) may be sent by either:

    1) Your hosting server, OR

    2) A plugin that will connect to an external SMTP server like a Google Workspace account (or transactional email service provider’s API).

    There’s no direct integration between WordPress and Google Workspace, so your website can NEVER directly use Google Workspace to send emails.

    So if you never previously installed or used an SMTP plugin, and if your website site was sending emails successfully, then your hosting server must be the tool that’s sending the emails.

    And the quickest way to solve the problem is to now switch to using a Google Workspace account (via an SMTP plugin) to send the emails, instead of your hosting server.

    I’ll also recommend you check to see if your domain name has been blacklisted in any blacklist database, and if so, work to get it removed: https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx

    Thread Starter username201701


    Ok thank you for clarifying. Another developer built the site back in 2017. Since then, there’s never been an SMTP plugin being used with Google servers, and I had not noticed any email deliverability issues. However, I just looked in the “mail” folder in cPanel and I see numerous files in the “cur” folder that show that messages from the website weren’t being delivered to my gmail account. But some got through to my gmail. So I can only assume the reason it was not flagged sooner is because emails from wordpress@example.com being sent to info@example.com, for example, were going through without a problem.

    Yes, the domain is now on 1 blacklist. What do I do? Does this mean that the domain is being spoofed to send fraudulent emails? How would I stop that? Thanks again.

    Thread Starter username201701


    Thank you for your feedback @gappiah. You’ve answered my question on this topic. Marking it resolved.

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