• Resolved alexwparis



    Thanks for the plugin. it’s great. I bought the licence.

    In my form, i have a Multiple CheckBox field named “Extras”.

    In the email I send to the user,
    i would like to display a text like “You chose thoses extras” ONLY IF the field has any value
    and display another text IF the field has no value.

    Can you help me to that using the IF CONDITION parameter ?

    Thanks in advance,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author EDGARROJAS



    Could you create a support ticket at smartforms.uservoice.com please? Unfortunatelly i am not allowes to give support to paid users here. But if you create a support ticket i can help you there =).

    Regards and sorry for the inconvenences.

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