• I am very new to WordPress and website design/management in general. Please be as detailed as possible.

    I am having trouble setting up email the way I want. I understand this may be due to lack of understanding exactly how wordpress/godaddy email works, but lets give it a shot.

    My website is FunnyFoolish.com. My goal is to have email accounts for myself and fellow amdinistrators, as well as general website emails. Examples:


    I would like to be able to access the email accounts through my website. For example, I log on to funnyfoolish.com and my dashboard using my username and password, and I have an option to access the ksbaker1989@funnyfoolish.com email from my dashboard. I also want admin@funnyfoolish.com forwarded to the ksbaker account.

    I tried using the settings given by GeoffreyG in this thread though it seems I must be missing something as I recieved a boolean (false). Specifically I did the following.

    - From Email:
    - From Name:
        Funny Foolish
    - Mailer:
        "Send all WordPress emails via SMTP."
    - SMTP Host:
    - SMTP Port:
    - Encryption:
         "No encryption."
    - Authentication:
         "Yes: Use SMTP authentication."
    - Email:
    - Password:

    Even if this had worked though, I don’t see how it helps me with the other email accounts I would like to set up, since there is only an option to link a single account under settings > email from my dashboard.

    I have been able to set up all email accounts on there own, where I login from the godaddy workspace. However it seems that those do not allow email forwarding. If I want that I must set up the email in such a way as it is ONLY a forwarding account and I have not been able to send messages from that email if it is set up as forwarding.

    Please kindly describe in detail if I am wrong in how I think wordpress/godaddy email is able to work, and thank you for any assistance.

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    WordPress isn’t an email system, it’s a blogging platform.

    You’ll setup the email addresses through GoDaddy and access them through your own email app(s) or whatever GoDaddy offers for webmail.

    For assistance with setting up email at GoDaddy, you’ll need to check GoDaddy’s documentation or contact GoDaddy.

    Thread Starter ksbaker1989


    WordPress isn’t an email system, it’s a blogging platform.

    You’ll setup the email addresses through GoDaddy and access them through your own email app(s) or whatever GoDaddy offers for webmail.

    For assistance with setting up email at GoDaddy, you’ll need to check GoDaddy’s documentation or contact GoDaddy.

    I have been able to set up all email accounts on there own, where I login from the godaddy workspace. However it seems that those do not allow email forwarding. If I want that I must set up the email in such a way as it is ONLY a forwarding account and I have not been able to send messages from that email if it is set up as forwarding.

    Sorry I wasn’t clear before. Remember I’m still new.

    To clarify, I added the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin. The very first paragraph on the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin homepage says:

    This WordPress plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function so all mail from your blog can be sent by SMTP instead of using PHP’s mail() function. The plugin also adds an Options > Email page which allows you to configure the settings from the admin interface of your site.

    The implication being that I can use some form of email through the blog. So if it does not allow me to use email in the way I described in my original post, then what mail is the plugin author referring to, and what is the purpose of the options page which I can configure after installing the plugin?

    Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    WordPress uses PHP’s mail function to send notification emails, password resets, and sometimes contact form emails (if you have a contact form plugin that uses that).

    The plugin you’re referrer to is for when PHP’s mail function is unavailable, you can then configure WordPress to use your server’s SMTP to send notification emails, password resets, and sometimes contact form emails instead.

    It still doesn’t turn WordPress into an email system. 🙂

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