• I’ve been using ElementsKit for a while, and overall, it’s an awesome WordPress plugin packed with a lot of features. It’s particularly great for advanced users who need extensive customization options.


    • Feature-Rich: ElementsKit offers a wide range of functionalities that enhance the WordPress experience.
    • Powerful Widgets: There are many widgets available that can significantly improve website design and interactivity.


    • Majority of Features are Paid: Many of the best features require a paid subscription, which might be a drawback for users on a budget.
    • Complex for Beginners: The widget creation process can be quite technical and challenging for beginners.
    • Limited Third-Party Integrations: The plugin is restrictive when it comes to integrating with third-party services, especially email providers. It forces users to stick with specific providers, limiting flexibility.

    I haven’t explored the API capabilities yet, but it would be great if free subscribers could use this feature to integrate essential third-party services. This could be a valuable addition for businesses relying on diverse tools and platforms.

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  • Hi tripleshades,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and for your detailed review of ElementsKit. We sincerely apologize for the delayed response and appreciate the time you took to provide such comprehensive feedback.

    We’re thrilled to hear that you’ve found ElementsKit to be a feature-rich and powerful tool for your WordPress needs. We always strive to deliver a product that enhances the user experience and offers extensive customization options.

    Regarding your points:

    Feature-Rich Nature: We’re glad you appreciate the wide range of functionalities that ElementsKit offers. While many advanced widgets and features are part of the paid subscription,. Additionally, the free version includes numerous templates and features that can significantly enhance your website without any cost. For more details, we recommend checking out our plugin help desk.

    Complexity for Beginners: We understand that the widget creation process can seem technical, especially for beginners. However, ElementsKit is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced developers. While Elementor and ElementsKit offer no-code solutions for most users, the widget creation feature is primarily aimed at developers who want to create highly customized widgets. For most users, the extensive collection of pre-built widgets and templates requires no coding knowledge and can be easily implemented.

    Third-Party Integrations: ElementsKit currently supports integration with 11 platforms, with Mailchimp being available in the free version. We understand that the limited number of free integrations might be a concern for some users. However, due to WordPress policies, we are unable to discuss the specifics of our premium features here. We continually work on expanding our integration capabilities and appreciate your feedback on this matter. If you have specific integration needs, we encourage you to share them with our team so we can consider them for future updates.

    Your suggestion about offering API capabilities to free subscribers is noted and will be shared with our respective team. We believe that allowing free users to integrate essential third-party services could indeed be a valuable addition and enhance the overall flexibility of our plugin.

    Thank you once again for your feedback and for using ElementsKit. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Best Regards,

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