• Resolved alkaiosmytilinis


    I’m trying to use shortcodes to display an auction item on my homepage. My product information displays correctly in the Elementor template and the product page, so I know the elements are working. And when I run the shortcode in the Elementor preview page, I can see that it’s targeting the right page. But I’m encountering three potentially interconnected problems: In the Elementor preview page, the WooCommerce elements will not load properly. When I try to save the page, I get a 500 error that my host cannot seem to identify for me. And lastly, when I manage to save the page successfully the shortcode breaks and defaults to showing the homepage despite the template filter being set only to products. I’m having a devil of a time tracking down the causes of these issues, so I wanted to be sure that WordPress itself and my theme aren’t potentially responsible.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Alain


    Hello @alkaiosmytilinis !
    Thank you for contacting us.

    I was reading your previous conversation, and I understand it
    In this case, It might be a conflict with your theme or plugins,

    Please follow these steps, and let me know if it solved your issue:

    • Deactivate all of your plugins except Elementor. If this solves the problem, gradually activate your plugins one by one, until you spot the problematic plugin.
    • Switch your WordPress theme to Hello Elementor (or another default WordPress theme) temporarily and see if it solves your error..

    I hope this can help you.
    Let me know if you have other questions related to Elementor.


    Thread Starter alkaiosmytilinis



    I spoke with GoDaddy about some problems I was encountering and they tried to pin the blame solely on Elementor’s implementation on the website. They said that since Elementor was part of the 500 error being generated, I needed to pay for premium support to get more assistance or else I would be stuck just using Elementor’s support along with their own services. I will try out these methods and see if they yield any additional results or not.

    Plugin Support marthaeli


    Hi @alkaiosmytilinis,

    Thank you for the update, I understand the issue continue.

    Please follow the steps provided on this article to solve the issue- Update button not working

    Let us know if you need additional assistance

    Kind Regards

    Plugin Support aracelil


    Hi, @alkaiosmytilinis.

    We are closing this thread due to inactivity. If you need further help, please feel free to open a new one.

    Kind Regards,

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