• I like the idea of this plugin and could definitely use the ability to edit a version of the page while keeping the original in place and available to the public until I am ready. Problem is, I’m using Elementor Page Builder. I don’t edit the look of my pages directly in WordPress, I go into the Elementor interface which only gives a “Publish” option after making changes. How can individuals using a page editor or theme builder use this to edit pages if it can’t be “published” from the editor? (I did give it a shot on a test page to see if it would publish the “Draft copy” and I received “Server Error (500 Internal Server Error)”

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  • Plugin Author jamiechong


    Hey @msudano – I’ve never used the Elementor plugin. There’s a good chance that Revisionize just won’t work with this as I imagine the way this plugin handles page building is substantially different from how WordPress manages content of its posts.

    Do you have any more details on the 500 error? Check your error logs for specific error messages?

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