• Resolved luciche


    Hi, is there a known bug issue with elementor? I’m using the same shortcodes on:
    1. clasic wordpress editor page
    2. elementor page

    Example shortcode with issues:
    [gfchartsreports count_answers="1" gf_form_id="36" gf_entry_id="last" group_fields="1" colors="#19bf05,#ED6D62,#018fde,#82483c" include="67,68" type="bar" tooltip_style="SUM" height="350px" gf_entry_id="{entry_id}" chart_js_options="legend: {display: false}"]

    On the clasic wordpress page every chart works, but on the elementor page some charts display different values. Again, the shortcodes used are identical,copy-paste, in both pages.

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  • Plugin Author maxicharts


    Hi @luciche ,
    Can you please send us links towards both pages, in order to see if any console error ?

    Thread Starter luciche


    Here is the form that leads to a clasic page result:

    and here is the same form that leads to an elementor page:

    As you’ll see, the issue is only with the bar charts on the elementor page, it shows a different amount for the fields 67(Salariul tau Brut) and 69(Salariul tau Net). Again, both clasic and elementor page use the same shortcodes for the 2 bar charts:

    [gfchartsreports count_answers="1" gf_form_id="37" gf_entry_id="last" group_fields="1" colors="#19bf05,#ED6D62,#018fde,#82483c" include="67,68" type="bar" tooltip_style="SUM" height="350px” gf_entry_id="{entry_id}" chart_js_options="legend: {display: false}"]


    [gfchartsreports count_answers="1" gf_form_id="37" gf_entry_id="last" group_fields="1" colors="#19bf05,#ED6D62,#018fde,#82483c" include="69,70" type="bar" tooltip_style="SUM" height="350px” gf_entry_id="{entry_id}" chart_js_options="legend: {display: false}"]

    please let me know, thanks

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by luciche.
    Plugin Author maxicharts


    Hi @luciche ,

    Sorry for the delay, but it is a bit difficult to try to debug like this, could you make a minimal test case, with only one shortcode please ? And send us the log for each technique, with or without elementor ?

    Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter luciche


    No worries, I solved it. The issues was with some parameters sent by another plugin. Thanks

    Plugin Author maxicharts



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