• Resolved James Revillini


    After much inspection using dev tools, I found that in the editor, class .editor-styles-wrapper is wrapping the entire page and setting the --wp--preset--font-size--normal to 16px and the --wp--preset--font-size--huge to 42px. (And by the way this looks nice.)

    Raft by default has the default font size set to normal (18px) and h1 to huge (56px).

    This causes the site to look very different when looking at the preview or published page, and this is right out of box.

    Side note: I was surprised that there doesn’t seem to be a way to directly alter the definition of normal or huge at a high level. Looks like I can only set text to 16px and h1 to 42px as custom sizes. Is this true?

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  • Thread Starter James Revillini


    Not really a bug but more of a suggestion…
    While editing the Front Page template, I also noted that your first h1 header is specifically set to Huge size. It might make sense to set this to Default for newly deployed sites since it apparently is supposed to mimic the general h1 size and since editing what “huge” means is evidently not an option.

    Hello @jrevilini,

    Thank you for your suggestions!

    You can add any custom values to the typography block in Raft, as you can see in this screenshot.

    Changing the default typography values would require creating a child theme, which you can find more about in this article.

    Have a great day ahead,


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