• behnaz


    Can someone tell me how to edit the CSS on a particular page of my blog?

    I would like to make edits to this page http://behnaz.info/?page_id=6.

    It is a pages that features my resume.

    I would like to add a light solid gray background around each of the following titles: PROFILE, EDUCATION, WRITING & EDITING EXPERIENCE, ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE, HONORS & AFFILIATIONS.

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  • What you could do is change your titles Profile, education, etc… to headings. So h2 or h3 and then add a style in your style sheet for these.

    Thread Starter behnaz


    Ok. Is there a particular CSS style sheet for this particular page? That’s what I’m unsure of.

    No there is no particular css for that page. That’s not how css works.

    I looked at all of your style sheet and there is no styling anywhere for h2 or h3, so you could simply add it to your styles.css

    Thread Starter behnaz


    I’ll give that a try. Thanks!

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