• Resolved Chris



    We are looking to make a few changes to the layout of the pdfs. We wanted to change how the totals were displayed but I couldnt find any info on how to do that (if you know please share :D) so we decided to essentially rebuild the totals in a new format. I was able to get most of it but I am still missing:

    1) Single product(unit) price (before tax)
    2) Subtotal (without tax)
    3) Discount amount
    4) Shipping amount
    5) Tax amount
    6) Put the product variations on the same line as the product name

    I was able to search through other posts and found how to display the total, single product with tax, coupon code used, etc.

    I know some php but not much, please help 😀 thank you!


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  • Thread Starter Chris


    I was able to figure our single product price without tax.

    Are you also in the market of doing some freelance work for us to get these templates the way we like?

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hello Chris,
    These totals are also part of the premium templates, I won’t disclose this on the public forum. Basically it’s these premium templates and the other extensions that make it possible for me to support and maintain the free plugin.

    About the customizations, send me an email at support@wpovernight.com and I’ll give you a quote.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hi Ewout,

    Thank you I will be sending you an email momentarily.


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