• Resolved Caoba



    I would like to edit the width of the columns in the order items table, make the column “Product” have a fixed width and the columns “Quantity” and “Price”, an “automatic” width, so to speak.

    How could he do it?

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Caoba.
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  • I’m not sure all the email provider inbox will work with this and haven’t got a chance to test but you can try:

    table.td th.td:first-child {
        width: 300px;

    I’ll try and test in a bit.


    Thread Starter Caoba


    Thank you very much, it has served me, it work!!


    Hi Ben,

    Probably just what I’m looking for, but please excuse my ignorance. Where should I place these CSS lines?

    I know about Appearance/Customise/Additional CSS, but if I place it there, won’t it affect other tables?

    Thank you,



    Hi Barry,
    The WooCommerce email designer has its own css box. Navigate to WooCommerce > Email Customizer > Custom Styles.


    Hi Hannah,

    Thank you. The minute you mentioned it I remembered the Custom Styles.

    I guess I’m suffering from POO (Plugin Option Overlood).

    Best regards,



    Ha! No worries:)


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