• Resolved beniEllis


    I’d like to change the colors on the calendar: the orange hover color and the background color of the calendar itself, but I Can’t find the css page in the plugin folder. Is there one? Love the plugin — it’s just what I needed.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @beniellis
    The CSS file loaded will be in


    The CSS rules would be somethings like:

    .page .xdsoft_datetimepicker .xdsoft_calendar td:hover {
        background-color:#6699CC !important;
    .page .xdsoft_datetimepicker {

    I added ‘.page’ to be more specific, to override the !important that the styles load.

    Hope it helps,
    Greetings, Carlos

    Thread Starter beniEllis


    Perfect. Thanks much!

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