• Resolved Josh88


    I have a complex shipping system that requires all shipping options being moved to the checkout page, so I can’t calculate rates on the cart.

    When the checkout page loads, the rates are initially calculated based on saved information if logged in, or no rates appear if not logged in, as there is no address information to make the rates request.

    Is there any way I can have the rates dynamically updated after a user enters address information in the billing fields? Is there some AJAX call that will update rates?

    Also, is only the ZIP required to return rates, or a full shipping address?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Hi @josh88,

    It is mandatory the country and zip code to fetch the rates by using our plugin.
    Woocommerce automatically triggers the calculation once values entered country or zip fields on the checkout page.

    Please make sure you are not enabled the option ‘Hide shipping costs until an address is entered‘ under WooCommerce->settings->shipping->Shipping options.

    Thread Starter Josh88


    It turns out the issue was that I had moved the shipping selection to a custom div which wasn’t correctly hooked into update_order_review, so it wasn’t anything to do with the plugin. Thanks for the clarification, it pointed me in the right direction.

    Hi @josh88,

    Our plugin follows Woocommerce standards, The calculation will be triggered once the function calculate_shipping() is called. In your case, you can manually trigger the calculation by forcefully calling the WC_Cart method calculate_shipping().

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