• Resolved vigwe


    An enquiry about your plugin pro version.

    I use a plugin that allows my customer to buy dynamic quantity (in decimals). i.e instead of buying 1 unit, 2 units, or 3 units they can buy 3.5 units, 56.789 units, 1.25 units and the total price and remaining stock would be calculated accordingly.

    I tested your free version and found that buyers can only enter prices in multiple of 1 unit.

    Does your pro version support dynamic prices while calculating units accordingly like 2.4 units, 10.5 units?

    i.e when the product’s unit price is $10, buyers can enter cost as $15 to purchase 1.5 units. Stock inventory would also be reduced by 1.5 units.

    If your pro version can handle this (by default or by customization) then I would unsubscribe from the other dynamic units plugin.

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  • Plugin Author ethereumicoio


    Hi @vigwe Check the 1.1.0 version please.

    The Product Quantity Step setting is added to allow fractional product quantities

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