• Resolved qpl88


    Hello, I’ve overwritten a file within your plugin which was causing the dynamic name descriptor to get dropped off on php 8+. The root cause I believe is the stricter rules around comparing types i.e. string & integer. I’ve deployed this patch to my website and it is working however I’m aware that when you make an update, and we update, it will be overwritten so I’m hoping you can add this to your next rollout of changes.

    The file in question is this one /includes/class-wc-gateway-braintree.php line 1505

    if ( $product > $product_length ) {

    needs to become

    if ( strlen( $product ) > $product_length ) {
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  • Plugin Support Chris Moreira – a11n


    Hello there!

    Just to confirm, did the previous version work as expected, or was this caused by the PHP change?

    Thread Starter qpl88


    Hi Chris, thanks for coming back to me. Previous PHP version of 7.4 was working. It’s definitely the line that I mentioned in my original post as when I make the manual change, the dynamic name descriptor comes through again.

    Thread Starter qpl88


    Hi, just wanted to see if there was any update on this or comments?



    I too am having compatibility issues with PHP 8.x.

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hello @qpl88,

    Hi, just wanted to see if there was any update on this or comments?

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand that when you updated your server version to PHP 8+, the dynamic name descriptor gets dropped off.

    Could you share a copy of your site’s System Status Report with us?

    You’ll find it at the top of the page under WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support (after you scroll down a bit). Paste the result here in your reply.

    Thanks! 😄

    Thread Starter qpl88


    Hi, sharing my report will not solve this problem as I’ve outlined the issue and produced the fix. I have a background in WP development and when debugging the code, I was able to pinpoint where it was failing. Can you please update this line within your plugin? It is not compatible within php 8+ as there are stricter rules around different data type comparisons.

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hey @qpl88,

    We will forward your suggestion to our development team for review and potential inclusion in the next update.

    At the time being, we can’t give you an estimate for when the team will look into or fix the issue, as bug reports are prioritized based on a few criteria.

    Your contribution to improving our plugin is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your patience as we work on this.



    You guys need to make this plugin PHP 8.2+ compatible.

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