• hi, we have your plugin on our woocommerce platform and its to serve a global audience, we having issues of having a dynamic country province/state and city/town dropdown that upon selecting the country from the country list, we want the province/state and town/city be automate a dropdown list, presently it is a manual entry of the province/state and city/town which is impossible to know for every country, how do we go about this please?

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  • Plugin Author g5theme


    Sorry but I don’t understand your mean. My plugin doesn’t compatible with WooCommerce.

    Thread Starter Makos


    woocommerce is a wordpress platform, can you integrate province/state and town/cities of countries into your plugin, presently the countries are not populated with the appropriate province/state and town/cities?

    Thread Starter Makos


    does you premium theme have the province/state and town/cities of countries already integrated?

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