• Hi Vrata, How are you this week?

    Unfortunately it seems that there’s a problem when “source:post” in dynamic checkboxes as conditional field – the selection doesn’t clear on hide as other fields…
    Here is the form’s html screenshot in addition to the attached link.

    What can be done about this bug?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    the selection doesn’t clear on hide as other fields…

    thanks for reporting this. Let me get back to you on this

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    So the issue is that the Conditional field uses the jQuery trigger method to fire the change event when resetting the value. However, this fails to register with a pure javascript event listener which is what the HybridDropdown implements to handle proogrammatic changes to the field.

    I have raised this as PR on the Conditional plugin repository, its author Jules Cole is usually quite responsive on these requests, so I hope it will get fixed in his subsequent release.

    You may want to also raise this separately on the Conditional plugin support forum.

    Hi guys, I’ll definitely look into the PR and see if I can include it in the next release. Thanks @aurovrata

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    Hey @jules-colle thanks for the prompt reply 🙂 Let me know if you need more help to test/debug the code.

    @liranrak for the time being I suggest you either exploit the PR version of the plugin if you need this to work urgently, else you can wait for a solution to be available.

    Thread Starter liranrak


    Hi guys! Hope you all doing fine.

    I suggest you either exploit the PR version of the plugin if you need this to work urgently…

    Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by that…
    Couldn’t understand what can I do to avoid that bug… (except waiting for the next version update)

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    the PR version is the conditional plugin code I fixed to make it work. You can grab a copy to get it to work for now and manually update it on your server.

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