• Resolved metricmedia



    We’ve identified a few cases of duplicate object sync records in the object sync table. Each record contains the same SF ID and the same WP ID. Their key IDs are close enough in some cases that it seems like they were created near each other in time. We have gone ahead and deleted the older of each pair, but we’re wondering if you know of a reason why this might happen. I would expect the plugin would not create a new sync record with the same WP and SF IDs as an existing record, would it?

    It’s possible this happened during some database clean up. The site we’re dealing with moved from another CRM to Salesforce and the move was done by a developer who didn’t look around all the corners. We took over the site and have been fixing a lot of things, and cleaning up duplicates and other incomplete records.

    Speaking of which, is there any reason not to delete sync records with either a blank WordPress ID or a “tmp” WordPress ID? It seems like all they do is fail to sync once they exist in this form, and if we delete them the plugin usually recreates them correctly on its own.


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  • Plugin Author Jonathan Stegall


    I don’t think I’ve seen the plugin create duplicate rows for the same SF ID and WP ID. I’m not sure why that would happen, unless the object types in WordPress were different. There’s nothing preventing it from happening on the database level though, so there could be an issue somewhere, or an older issue. Does it still happen?

    On the blank or tmp IDs, it’s good to delete those. The plugin creates those while it is waiting for a sync to finish, and once it does it updates those values. So any row where that is not updated represents an error of some kind (and ideally it will have a log entry and a row in the Mapping Errors tab of the plugin), and also as you say it won’t sync in the future.

    Thread Starter metricmedia


    Sorry for not getting back sooner on this. It’s been sitting in my inbox. It looks like at present we do not have any (more) rows with duplicate SF and WP IDs. We cleaned them up and they have stayed cleaned up so I think this was fallout from a previous cleanup process. Problem solved, or never existed in the first place 🙂

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