• Resolved mrbassist



    Suddenly all my site has dublicate titles –

    It will display my Site Title and after it the Home Page Title

    ex. This is a nice post – Site Title – Home Page Title

    Is any bug going on or i miss something ?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • @mrbassist your missing somthing.. check seo settings, at title settings..

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    I see you’ve already figured out where to look? I assume the full homepage title was inputted at /wp-admin/options-general.php, but everything looks good to me now!

    If you still require support, let me know. Cheers!

    Thread Starter mrbassist


    Hello , i have set up everything fine and this completely strange as i work with Seo Framework about a year now.

    No i have not managed to fix it , i see that on the site it looks fine but at the results not, and no in the admin i have not the full title as you say.

    ** if you seach in google some of my post you will see that there is dublicated titles.

    I have checked everything , no new plugins added on my site all updated and very minimal aproach.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by mrbassist.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by mrbassist.
    Thread Starter mrbassist


    I have given a meta title for my homepage

    ex. Jerry Cherry Shop

    and my site name in the worpdress is

    ex. Jerry Cherry

    Now all my pages have this kind of names

    ex. My super post | Jerry Cherry – Jerry Cherry Shop


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by mrbassist.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by mrbassist.
    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    Please keep in mind that whatever Google’s displaying might not be analogous to what your site is outputting. Google changes titles and descriptions all the time. So, it’s good to tell me where you found this data 🙂

    You can find out if your titles are displayed correctly simply by hovering your mouse pointer over the browser tab. More verbosely: press CTRL+U to view the source, and you can find the title between the <title> tags.

    With that out of the way, I see that everything’s “alright” on your site, but I did spot that Google has made up its mind: They think your store name is “Jerry Cherry Shop”, not “Jerry Cherry”.

    Google sucks reading any language but English; they know that, and won’t even bother to recognize that “Jerry Cherry” is already a part of the page titles.

    Now, the problem is that your homepage is called “Jerry Cherry Shop | Official”. Google recognized the separator (pipe) and had to figure out on which side is the website’s name. They concluded: “Jerry Cherry Shop”. So, they stamp this title onto every page that doesn’t have it exactly, and you’ll get “Page Title | Jerry Cherry – Jerry Cherry Shop”.

    To fix this, at “SEO Settings > Homepage Settings”, I recommend emptying the Meta Title under the General tab. Under the Additions, I recommend entering “Official Shop”. The Meta Title result should be:
    – “Jerry Cherry | Official Shop”

    Then, it will take some time for Google to accept that the site name is “Jerry Cherry” instead of “Jerry Cherry Shop”.

    You can learn (a tiny bit) more about Google’s behavior here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/appearance/good-titles-snippets#why-the-search-result-title-might-differ-from-the-pages-title-tag.

    I hope this clears up everything! Cheers 😃

    Thread Starter mrbassist


    Hey Sybre,

    Thanks for getting back to me my dude, i really thought this should be the issue even i have never ever seen this before to work like this.

    Anyway Google is a strange creature..

    I want to ask if i want to make my title Like Jerry Cherry Shop in all pages i just need to add it to my site title and let the SEO Settings > Homepage Settings as it is now?

    Thanks once again

    5 stars

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Thank you so much for the kind review 😊

    The homepage title is leading. Google will compare and paste that wherever it deems necessary. Furthermore, I believe you can always add more text, but removing text will cause Google to append the title again. For example:

    "Title | Site Name"           - does not change
    "Title | Site Name Something" - does not change
    "Title | Site"                - becomes "Title | Site - Site Name"
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