• Resolved Karin_tanketal


    Updated from 3.9.1 to 3.9.5 and most looked good until I tested the menus.

    In 3.9.5, the dropdown menus have disappeared and will not appear not even when you click on them.
    In 3.9.1, it was enough to bring the pointer over the first word for the menu to “fall out”.

    Screenshot from 3.9.1 when you put the pointer over the first word
    Screenshot from 3.9.5 when you put the pointer over the first

    I went back to 3.9.1 waiting for a solution.
    Wordpress 4.9.8–sv_SE
    Web browser Chrome and Opera, both for Mac

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author inkthemescom


    Hi Macwitty,

    Please update your theme to the latest version(3.9.6) and do let us know if problem still exists

    Thread Starter Karin_tanketal


    Sorry, no drop down with 3.9.6

    Theme Author inkthemescom


    Hi Macwitty,

    I have tested latest version of the theme and nav menus dropdown are working fine, please have a look at attached video url navmenu hover dropdown

    Thread Starter Karin_tanketal


    Sorry to say – it is not working on our site or on a new test site. A test site with no extra css or other thing that could mess it up. I have made some screen recordings. I had 3.8.4 installed but I have checked and 3.9.1 works as well

    NB – Only the second and fourth menus have submenu

    Here is the menu with 3.8.4 installed and the menu works
    Here is the menu with 3.9.6 installed – not working
    Here is the menu with 3.9.7 installed – not working

    From the “customizer section” when you also can see the menu setting
    3-8-4 Preview mode – works well
    3-9-7 is not working

    I can make an inlog for you to the test site if you want – just give me an email address

    Theme Author inkthemescom


    Hi Macwitty,

    just want to confirm have you applied any additional css or are you using child theme, because we tested both version 3.9.1 and 3.9.7 and nav menus are working fine in both,
    please have a look at attached video url nav_hover(3.9.1) and nav_hover(3.9.7)

    Thread Starter Karin_tanketal


    As I wrote I took the recording from a test site “with no extra css or other thing that could mess it up” and no childtheme. Here is a new screen recording – it is slow as the recorder takes too much of my laptop – be patient

    Screen recording 3.9.1 to 3.9.7 – from menu working to not working
    1. Show only 2 themes ColorWay 391 and TwentySeven – no childtheme
    2. Pages for the menu
    3. Main Menu with sub menu
    4. No additional css
    5. Menu works (we are in 3.9.1)
    6. Update to 3.9.7
    7. Reload the page – it takes a little time
    8. Menus are not working (by mistake I clicked on a page after some seconds)

    If you want to take a closer look and play around with this closed test site, I can reinstall 3.9.1 and give you an admin inlogg. Just tell me where to send it

    Could it be something with the line under the menu? The slides under the menu? Just my two cent (or less)

    I look forward to your reply

    Theme Author inkthemescom


    Hi Macwitty,

    You can share your wordpress dashbord credentials to our inkthemes website.

    Thread Starter Karin_tanketal


    Now the menu works!

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