• Resolved 63N


    The integration doesn’t seem to work properly with the PayPal Express Checkout plugin from WooCommerce (https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout/).

    Using the PayPal Express Checkout plugin, a different, pre-filled confirmation page is generated by WooCommerce instead of the default checkout page. No customers are subscribed when using express checkout.

    It seems to be working as normal on the default WooCommerce checkout page.

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  • Hey 63N,

    Thanks for your post! It’s true that this plugin will only work on the default checkout page. One thing you can try is to use the checkout page’s default Paypal option for your customers when checking out. That way they’re not redirected to another page and those subscriber preferences can still be captured.

    With that said, I’ve gone ahead and pushed this feedback over to our developers on your behalf. Feel free to open up another post if you need anything else!


    Thread Starter 63N


    Ah, that’s a bummer. I though it’d be compatible since it’s an official plugin from WooCommerce/Automattic.

    The default checkout page is usually unnecessary when using PayPal Express, because customer details are collected from their PayPal account. So using the default checkout page isn’t really an option for me at the moment, since it just adds an unnecessary step during checkout. And we all know the less steps the better!

    I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if/when it’s made compatible. Until then it’s unusable for me, which is really disappointing, as I was glad to finally be able to use an official plugin.

    Thanks for passing on the feedback.

    No problem, 63N. I’ve let the devs know about your use case and additional concerns. I’ll be sure to update here if I hear any news 🙂


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