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  • Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hey @steveholland,

    That’s a great question.

    By default, no. Unfortunately, the WordPress login page does not load any 3rd-party code by design.

    That means you’d have to put in some effort to manually load everything you need on top of all the code that Popup Maker needs to run.

    You might as well create a custom login page instead. The good news is there are plugins that can help you make a custom login page that should also support the standard WordPress way enqueuing of plugin libraries.

    Let us know if you need anything else.

    Have a great day 🙂


    Thread Starter Steve


    Hi @mlchaves yes I am already using a custom login page but it retains the WordPress wp-login.php defaults.

    Which scripts do I need to load? I have tried to identify them, I got the stylesheet in the header and the Javascript in the footer. What am I missing?

    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hi @steveholland,

    So the main handle is popup-maker-site.

    BTW, this article has excellent advice for finding enqueued styles and scripts on a WordPress site.

    If you’re using the Popup Maker asset cache (on by default), then look in your wp-content/uploads/pum directory for the actual filenames.

    Otherwise, you can grab them from the plugins/popup-maker/assets/[css|js] directory. See the repo as a reference.

    The JavaScript library depends on jQuery, so add that to your dependency array.

    E.g.: wp_enqueue_script('popup-maker-site', plugins_url().'/popup-maker/assets/js/site.min.js', array( 'jquery' ));

    We hope that helps.

    Thanks! 🙂


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