• Resolved pogotime


    I’m currently setting up a new Site, where we will sell Subscriptions.

    My First guess would be to use
    – WooCommerce Stripe Gateway
    – WooCommerce PayPal Payments

    (since both are supporting subscriptions)

    Am i right to say, if I use this Plugin i don’t need those 2 above ?
    (Since the available Countries seem to be the same and Braintree offers additional Payment Methods ontop of that ?

    And just for clarification:
    What is the difference to the “Braintree for WooCommerce” from WooCommerce ?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by pogotime.
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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @pogotime,

    Am i right to say, if I use this Plugin i don’t need those 2 above ?

    Yes, that’s correct. This plugin has a PayPal integration so you only need one plugin to offer all of the payment methods.

    This plugin also supports subscriptions.

    What is the difference to the “Braintree for WooCommerce” from WooCommerce ?

    I think if you read through the reviews and compare functionality you will have a good understanding of the difference.

    Kind Regards,

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