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  • Plugin Author jacobmhulse



    Thank you for reaching out to us with your question. The short answer is, sort of!

    WP Facebook Pixel allows you to create events on each post or page (or custom post type) easily; however, it currently does not support sending these events based on actions taken by a user (clicking a button for instance) unless that button opens a custom post type.

    Sending events to Facebook based on events triggered by user actions will be added within the next 30 days. If you have a software developer at your disposal, WP Facebook Pixel provides developers with a lot of hooks which would allow them to customize the integration of the WP Facebook Pixel plugin into your web site giving you all the flexibility you could ever want. If you don’t have a developer, we could certainly point you in the direction of an amazing team of developers 😉

    If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us again.

    Best wishes,

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