• Resolved chemistrap


    Hello there,

    Thanks for great plugin but I could not understand why total weight does not display in cart or checkout page. I’m using some code snippets for displaying each product’s weight in cart and works but I supposed that this plugins will show total weight in cart/checkout but it doesnt.

    Could you please help me,


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  • Plugin Support kotmateusz


    Hello @chemistrap1
    Thank you for reaching out. I’ll be happy to help you.

    After activating the plugin, the total weight should be visible automatically in the cart, minicart and checkout.
    Could you please deactivate aforementioned code snippets for displaying weight? External code snippets/plugins may be interrupting the Cart Weight.

    Furthermore, the Cart Weight is compatible with a WordPress version of 5.8 or higher and PHP version of 7.4 or higher.


    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by kotmateusz.
    Plugin Support kotmateusz


    As we haven’t got any replies, I’m marking this topic as resolved for now.

    Thread Starter chemistrap


    Hi there,

    I could not receive an email so because I could not realized your answer.

    Actually I was added that code because it’s does not work it.

    I’m using latest version of wordpress 6.5.3 and PHP 8.2

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