• Resolved KlokanSoft


    Does not send a complete list of contributions II
    So I got scared again that it doesn’t send a full list of new posts. So he tried to turn off all the modules, change the template, and do literally whitish things.
    I found that angry posts are in the text. The text ends at the image and no footer is loaded into the mail.
    When the image is put first and followed by text, it’s fine. Even though I have the html version, it doesn’t send the images. I don’t know if it’s dependent on the template but I’ve tried elsewhere.
    So, when the image is at the end of the post, the text in the mail ends with the text above the image, and the other posts are not sent.
    I am unable to convince users to change the template yet 🙁

    The user will now try to put the picture in the text at the beginning of the post.

    Some idea?
    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter KlokanSoft


    I confirm that the email was ok sent all the repairs celebrated success.

    I would like to refine what exactly means:
    Restrict the number of recipients per email to xxx
    what means 1, 10, 100.
    Is sending sent to blocks that are being sent?
    Thank you for your cooperation

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by KlokanSoft.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by KlokanSoft.


    I’l glad the fix worked – we’ll try to get that in the next release.

    The ‘Restrict the number of recipients per email to xxx’ is an old setting that used to improve deliverability of emails by sending fewer emails but grouping recipients in the BCC header.

    Email sending has moved on and the recommended settings is now 1 – single emails to each individual recipient. BCC recipients are still counted on most hosting providers servers as individual emails in allowances so the setting it now only there fore legacy sites.

    Thread Starter KlokanSoft


    thank you for the added information.
    I’m looking forward to the fix and release.
    Thank you for your cooperation.

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