• Resolved heldausberlin


    Hi, I can’t get the plugin work right now. After activating and setting the plugin no image will be shown on the page.
    I also use WP Rocket as a caching tool. Do they work together or is it impossible?
    Thanks a lot.

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  • Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, there,

    Normally WPRocket should not have compatibility issues with Adaptive Images. There a number of other possible reasons for problems. Most of them we try to address in the plugin description page, but it does require some reading! 🙂

    As a starting point could you possibly send us the results of the Print debug and Print diagnostics buttons in the Adaptive Images settings page?


    Thread Starter heldausberlin


    Thank you so much for your support!

    Debug info is:

    ✔ PHP GD library is installed.
    ✖ Image cache directory has not been created.
    But this is probably because the cache has not been accessed yet. 
    After accessing your website from a mobile device the directory should be automatically created.
    /home/www/[domainname]/site/wp-content/cache => drwxrwxrwx
    ✔ Installation .htaccess file is setup OK.
    /home/www/[domainname]/.htaccess => -rw-r--r--
    ❖ Adaptive images settings dump:
    array(14) {
      array(4) {
      string(21) "cache/adaptive-images"
      array(2) {
        string(18) "wp-content/uploads"
        string(17) "wp-content/themes"
      string(6) "0.6.67"
      string(43) "/home/www/[domainname]/site/wp-content"
      string(45) "https://[domainname]/site/wp-content"

    And diagnostics are:

    Web Server	
    Document Root	
    PHP Time Limit	
    PHP Memory Limit	
    PHP Post Max Size	
    PHP Upload Max Size	
    PHP Max Input Vars	
    PHP Display Errors	
    PHP Error Log	
    MySQL Ext/mysqli	
    MySQL Table Prefix	
    MySQL DB Charset	
    WP Multisite	
    WP Debug Mode	
    WP Site url	
    WP WP Home url	
    WP Permalinks	
    WP home path	
    WP content dir	
    WP plugin dir	
    WP content url	
    WP plugin url	
    WP Locale	
    WP Memory Limit	
    WP Max Upload Size	
    WP Active plugins	
    Adaptive Images for WordPress v.0.6.67 by Nevma
    Admin Menu Editor v.1.9.1 by Janis Elsts
    Anti-Spambot Email Shortcode v.1.1.5 by Robert Peake
    BackWPup v.3.6.10 by Inpsyde GmbH
    ChimpMate - WordPress MailChimp Assistant v.1.3.2 by Voltroid
    Contact Form 7 v.5.1.4 by Takayuki Miyoshi
    Duplicate Page v.3.9 by mndpsingh287
    Envato Market v.2.0.1 by Envato
    Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator v.1.3.15 by Philippe Bernard
    Flow-Flow Lite v.3.1.23 by Looks Awesome
    Image Credits Nofollow v.1.3 by Apasionados.es
    Jetpack von WordPress.com v.7.6 by Automattic
    WPBakery Page Builder v.6.0.5 by Michael M - WPBakery.com
    LEVELUP Core v.1.1.37 by Puzzlerbox
    Loco Translate v.2.3.0 by Tim Whitlock
    Mailchimp for WordPress v.4.5.3 by ibericode
    New RoyalSlider v.3.3.5 by Dmitry Semenov
    WP No External Links v.1.0.2 by nicolly
    No Follow All External Links v.2.3.0 by gearpressstudio
    Virtual Robots.txt v.1.9 by Marios Alexandrou
    PHP Code Widget v.2.3 by Otto
    Publicize With Hashtags v.0.1.4 by Darkseal
    Really Simple CAPTCHA v.2.0.2 by Takayuki Miyoshi
    Regenerate Thumbnails v.3.1.1 by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond)
    Relevanssi v.4.3.2 by Mikko Saari
    Remove Google Fonts References v.2.6 by Bruno Xu
    Remove Yoast SEO Comments v.3.1 by Mitch
    Slider Revolution v. by ThemePunch
    Search In Place v.1.0.42 by CodePeople
    SEO Friendly Images v.3.0.5 by Vladimir Prelovac
    WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR) v.2.2.19 by Shapepress eU
    Sitemap v.4.3 by webvitaly
    Theme My Login v.7.0.14 by Theme My Login
    Envato Toolkit v.1.4 by KestutisIT
    User Role Editor v.4.51.2 by Vladimir Garagulya
    Video Thumbnails v.2.12.3 by Sutherland Boswell
    Yoast SEO v.11.9 by Team Yoast
    WP Rocket v.3.3.6 by WP Media
    WP Live Search v.0.9 by 
    WP MU plugins	
    WP Migrate DB Pro Compatibility v.1.1 by Delicious Brains

    Meanwhile I read this thread and it seems to be the same problem. Images are not loaded and the directory has not been created. Could it be a problem of my webhost? Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter heldausberlin


    I’ve found something:

    As in a former thread my WordPress is not in the root as well. As you can see it is in the directory /site/.

    Now I found out that in the .htaccess the code was created with a double /site/site instead of a single:

    # BEGIN Adaptive Images
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        # Watched directories
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /site/wp-content/uploads [OR]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /site/wp-content/themes [OR]
        # Redirect images through the adaptive images script
        RewriteRule \.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$ /site/site/wp-content/plugins/adaptive-images/adaptive-images-script.php [L]
    # END Adaptive Images

    So I deleted one site/ manually and afterwards the images on the website are visable again. So it seems to be working!

    But I have to delete the doubled site/ each time of changing the settings. If I can give you more details to fix it feel free to ask!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by heldausberlin.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by heldausberlin.
    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend,

    Thank you for all this info!

    What you are saying makes sense. And indeed it is not a nice thing having to manually edit the htaccess file every time you save the plugin settings. This is not how it is supposed to work.

    I am trying to figure out exactly why this happened in your installation. Is your installation actually in a subdirectory, like http://www.domain.com/site/? Or have you kept the root domain of your WordPress, but installed it in the subdirectory? The problem must have something to do with this setup and the fact that we have possibly missed some sort of condition.

    Lastly, we would love it if we had the chance to debug this issue first-hand in the actual or a staging environment. If you think this is possible you may contact us as at info [at] nevma [dot] gr.


    Thread Starter heldausberlin


    Thanks, Takis and yes you are right! The WordPress is in a subdirectory as you already discussed – I think – 2 years ago in an older thread with another person. I can’t find the thread again (unfortunately the search function of this forum is ugly).

    So that you can reproduce it …

    The settings in WordPress admin are:

    The website:

    The WordPress:

    Then just copy the index.php and .htaccess from /site/ into root directory.

    And edit the index.php to

    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/site/wp-blog-header.php' );

    Afterwards everything works from the root-domain, but the WordPress stays in the subdirectory.

    So now the problem is your plugin seems to create the link to adaptive-images-script.php in the .htaccess double. Maybe it is because the plugin is from .htaccess one more subdirectory away as well. And so it linked back to root twice.

    I have created a WordPress test environment where the problem appears by default and will send you test-admin access to check it out.

    Thanks a lot for your quick and great support! Your plugin is fantastic!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hello, my friend,

    Thank you also for your time and your kind words!

    Indeed this is the case and during the course of the years I have come to realise that not all users use the same technique to achieve this and this has been the cause for these minor discrepancies.

    One can put WordPress in its own subdirectory and either make all urls (including the static ones in the /wp-content directory) appear as if they originate from the root url or one can let the static ones appear originating from their actual directory.

    So in case 1 you have: http://www.domain.com for the domain and http://www.domain.com/wp-content for the /wp-content, whilst in case 2 you still have http://www.domain.com for the domain but you have http://www.domain.com/subdir/wp-content for the /wp-content (and of course same for /wp-admin and /wp-includes).

    (These cases are explained here https://wordpress.org/support/article/giving-wordpress-its-own-directory/!)

    We have properly taken care of case 1 but it seems that we missed case 2! What you are describing for your installation is actually case 2.

    Although I am not particularly a big fan of this technique at all (it mostly creates causes for edge cases without much enhancement in security) this case is now under my radar and I will work on fixing it in future versions!


    Thread Starter heldausberlin


    I sent you an email!

    The thing is, on my own website I moved the .htaccess to root after publishing the website. So there is no old .htaccess in directory /site/
    That’s why the rewrite rule of your plugin in the root-htaccess leads to broken image links.

    On another server I’ve got a WordPress for testing. In a subdirectory as well. There I didn’t move but copied the .htaccess to root. So the origin file is still in /site/ directory with the old rewrite rule to index.php. That’s why the image links still work, but no cache directory can be created by the plugin and the caching doesn’t work.

    Maybe that’s why some of your users have problems with getting the caching work and some with invisible images.

    Hope this is helpful!

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Thank you very much, I received your email and I will take it from there! 🙂

    Thread Starter heldausberlin


    Related to NGinX, my webhost is a Apache/NGinX mix and I have only access to the Apache configuration. But not to nginx.conf. Is there a way to set it anyway?

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Just for the history of it: the ticket was handled privately and is now complete. The issue had to do with finding the correct NginX configuration files and applying the Adaptive Images setting there.

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