• Resolved GenealogyCoach


    Trying to test with new IG account and dev website. It seems to authorize to Instagram, but get error “We don’t have the permission to publish your post. Please check your authorization.” when I try to post. There are no “Authorized Applications” listed on my Instagram account…

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  • Plugin Support Blog2Social-Support


    Hello @samatva,

    Thanks for reaching out,
    The notification ‘We don’t have the permission to publish your post. Please check your authorization.’ indicates that something went wrong during the process of connecting Blog2Social with Instagram.

    Please follow these steps in our FAQ exactly to connect Instagram:

    Instagram-Things to check:

    How to connect and post to Instagram:

    I have same problem.

    I handle some website.

    One of my instagram account I connected with Blog2social long time ago is no problem to connect with other Blog2social installed in other website I handle. (It works, but it is not listed as Authorized Applications” anyway.)

    On the other hand, newly made instagram account keep saying ‘We don’t have the permission to publish your post. Please check your authorization.’

    I compare settings of old account and new account of instagram to figure out what makes error, but I could not find any difference with these 2 instagram accounts.

    I followed your FAQ answer “Instagram-Things to check” several times, but it does not work yet.

    Plugin Support Blog2Social-Support


    Hello @cwhiro,

    Thanks for reaching out.
    If your Instagram account is quite fresh please make sure to post at least one image from your mobile phone to Instagram and make sure to interact with the Instagram community. Therefore, we recommend to like, share and upload content with your Instagram app first.

    After this you can connect your new Instagram Account with Blog2Social by following these steps of our FAQ:

    How to connect and post to Instagram with Blog2social

    Hi @blog2socialsupport

    Thank you for your support.

    I think I tried all instructions, but it still seems difficult to connect it.

    Finally, I could connect it after I linked instagram account with facebook account. Not really sure this is clue for my case, but it works finally.

    This is really nice plugin. Thank you!

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