• I think that the same function but with shortcode do learndash native shortcodes and Gutenberg blocks (LearnDash Visitor, LearnDash Student, LearnDash Course Complete, Not Started etc.). Am I wrong?

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  • Plugin Author Pankaj Agrawal


    Hi Morgunov

    Yes, currently it just hides content with display:none. Based on the request and popularity of the plugin we might add shortcodes and blocks so that we can remove the content totally.

    You are right: LearnDash Visitor, LearnDash Student are similar blocks.

    However, Visibility Control for LearnDash can do much more. You can control the visibility of elements that cannot be controlled by the blocks, like menu items and even ANY other blocks that supports Additional CSS.


    learn dash shortcodes work only on courses/lessons pages not on other pages of the website…..and it’s more easy to add just a css class than 2 shortcodes between a block

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by beithazohar.
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