• Resolved kaywdev


    Hi, we recently installed the plugin to send images to Amazon S3 bucket. We could see one warning message on the delivery setting. It says “Private media is currently exposed through unsigned URLs. Restore privacy by verifying the configuration of private media settings.”
    Q1: Should we take any action about the waring?

    Also, we found one documentation talking about Cloudflare setting. https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/doc/cloudflare-setup/
    We are using Pressable as the host server and Cloudflare as the DNS provider.
    Q2: In this case, do we need to take the Cloudflare setting?

    It would be great if you could answer the questions.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Delicious Brains Support


    Hi kaywdev,

    WP Offload Media Support Team here, Thanks for reaching out with your query we would be happy to assist.

    Regarding Q1, if you are not planning to utilize the ‘private’ function of your Media Library, then it should be safe to ignore this warning. But in case that you want to privatize some of your Media Library items, then kindly see the following article – https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/doc/how-to-restrict-access-to-offloaded-media/

    As for Q2, you could still be able to use Cloudfront for your media files. As this will be separate from the CDN of your site. Please note that if you want to use Cloudflare as your CDN for your bucket, then kindly make sure that the S3 Bucket is named appropriately as outlined here – https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/doc/cloudflare-setup/

    The only issue is, Amazon S3 has no ‘rename’ function for their bucket, you would need to move your offloaded files into a new bucket with the correct name. But also note that it is not possible to copy media between bucket using the free version of the plugin.

    Apologies for these restrictions, just wanted to make sure that you understand the limitations if you were to use Cloudflare. You should still be able to use Cloudfront for your current S3 Bucket, no matter what the bucket’s name is.

    Hope that this helps,
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter kaywdev


    Thank you for explaining that. That makes sense for me.

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