• Hi,

    I use toc in my place. When i use automatic option to insert toc, all are right. When i add de code manually in the page the backend turns wrong and all the admin page becomes in a strange form, change color of the bachend and many things.
    That happens when i use normal wordpress backend (no divi builder).
    I desacitvate all plugins but nothing happens.
    Please i need to insert the code manually [toc], i need help.

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  • I am reporting the same exact issue.

    Same thing here. It makes the editing box disappear completely using Divi.



    I also have the same problem as these guys above.

    I’d very much appreciate an update to this plugin to make it compatible.

    Thread Starter vargderm


    Please, someone can reply us and give a solution?

    Its incredible that plugin doesnt supports DIVI, maybe the most popular WordPress Theme….we need an answer, please.


    It’s not only Divi; this plugin is no longer compatible with some other themes, as well, and I don’t believe it’s being supported anymore.

    One workaround: If you have a few pages with TOCs, grab the HTML for the individual TOC in the page source view of your browser, then turn off the plugin and paste that HTML directly into your page’s text editor. Using Divi, you’ll probably have to code out your bullets and format the layout a bit using CSS, but it’s still a quicker option than building the table manually.

    Thread Starter vargderm


    That gives me an idea. I dont know if its exactly that you tried say @savagesites. I dont speak english very well, sorry…

    You dont need to use CSS.
    The problem is in the shortcode. If you insert TOC+ with automatically insert option, no problem.
    You can add automatically to all your posts and pages the code and you go to html view (developers mode) in chrome or whatever. Copy the code of each page that you can find in body section. Is a compact code, easy to find and copy. Starts like this <div id=”toc_container”…….
    Later you can go to Divi builder and past the code into code module or text module and fix anywhere. Also yo can do in the middle of a text module if you need, in html view….
    Later you can desactivate automatic insertion if you dont need.

    I tried to explain to all people as nice as i can, my english is poor. I tried it and works nice, divi builder is ok. Toc appears in the same way and style, you dont need more.

    But there is other problem with size in H3 or subtitles. In TOC appears big as H2 and is not very nice looking but…i think i can live with that until find other solution.

    Thank you @savagesites


    Hi @vargderm,
    We’re describing a similar process, but I think you’re suggesting to set the plugin to automatically add a TOC to all pages/posts with a certain number of headings so you don’t have to add shortcode to each one, which is a great idea.

    You can just put your site in Maintenance Mode for a few minutes if you don’t want people seeing a TOC on every page and this will save time for multiple pages.

    Here is combination of our steps to add TOCs manually spelled out more clearly for anyone who might need it:

    1. Set the TOC+ plugin to add a toc automatically for every page/post with the number of headings you choose (TOC+ > Settings > “Auto insert for the following content types”)
    2. View the page source for the pages you want to show a TOC and copy the HTML between
    <div id="toc_container"...> and </div>
    3. Turn the plugin off so you can see your text editing boxes in posts again
    4. Paste the page’s TOC HTML into the text (not visual) editor

    OPTIONAL: Style with CSS in Divi Custom CSS

    To style mine, I added:

    #toc_container {
    #toc_container a {
    .toc_title {
    .toc_list li {

    Those are just my styling preferences, but it gives you the Classes and IDs to use so you can style your own. You can see mine here for an example.

    Thanks, @vargderm!

    Thread Starter vargderm


    Hi @savagesites,

    I agree the process and steps you write. I think its very clear.
    The css style you are reporting in your web looks very nice, great job.


    @vargderm Thanks, you made it better.

    This is not a solution. One of the most important features of the plug in is that if the user ads more contents(headers) in the page the table of content will update showing the new ones automatically.

    This solution does not accomplishes that hence diminishing the value of the plugin.

    A better option is simply set the plugin to automatically add table of contents on say 4 or 5 headers in the page, then the user will have to remember to not add more than that number of headers if he doesn’t want to show the TOC on that particular page.

    Anyhow, is too bad nobody is maintaining this plugin.

    Thread Starter vargderm


    The way we wrote dont take you more than 2 minutes. I think its a solution cause i can use TOC+ code anywhere i want in the page. And let me to use the plugin. If you dont like, i understand but is a solution.

    A better option is simply set the plugin to automatically add table of contents on say 4 or 5 headers in the page, then the user will have to remember to not add more than that number of headers if he doesn’t want to show the TOC on that particular page.
    I dont understand what are you trying to say

    I would like authors still maintaining the plugin but plugin is free, maybe authors are doing other non free things.

    Maybe in future someone still the work and upgrade the plugin.


    Thread Starter vargderm


    Hi everyone,

    I have good news for Divi users. Today the elegant themes support have writting a code to fix divi builder problems. That code must be writing in functions.php (be carefull, you know…) and works perfect to me.

    Anyway, im still having problems with subtitles size, i asked they about that and im waiting an answer. Here is the code:

    add_action( 'et_pb_admin_excluded_shortcodes', 'toc_shortcode');
    function toc_shortcode($shortcodes) {
    $shortcodes[] = 'toc';
    return $shortcodes;

    I hope that works for you.


    Perfect timing! Thank you so much, @vargderm! Five minutes ago I was wishing I could easily use TOC+ for a long article on my client’s site. I will add this with the Snippets plugin. Really appreciate the solution.

    Thread Starter vargderm


    Nice!, i’m glad to help.


    Thank you very much for the solution.

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