• Hi,

    2 small remarks on this plugin which is just huge!

    Why not complete the casting by the distribution companies, in addition to the production companies?

    Another question, could we have trailers for TV series, in addition to movies?

    Thanks again for this plugin! 🙂

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  • Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos



    Thank for the suggestions.

    By distribution companies do you mean where to stream or buy the titles?

    Yes, trailers for the tv series could also be a good addition.

    In general there are many new features that can be added, but the limited time / resources force selecting some while leaving out others.

    Thread Starter nnckhnrn


    For example, for Interstellar, the movie is distributed by Paramount Pictures (North America) and Warner Bros. Pictures (International).

    I completely understand the time and resources aspect, no problem 🙂

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