• Resolved Diablo2


    Hi! Thanks for such an amazing plugin (you and i have worked in the past, so a warm Hello from my end!)

    I have tried enabling the feature mentioned in the title, and users still cant see the content while logged out. So far ive tried it on two blogs with the latest WP and plugin version.

    Can you do me a favor and try it from your end? Id highly appreciate it!


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  • Plugin Author Stefano


    Hi! I’ll have a look.
    I guess you don’t get any specific error, right?

    A nice day,

    Thread Starter Diablo2


    Hi there,
    The error simply says “Only available to logged-in users” if i log out.

    Thanks for checking!

    Plugin Author Stefano


    Should be fixed in version 1.4.3 now! 🙂

    Thread Starter Diablo2


    Hey there 🙂
    I dont know if it’s just me, but version 1.4.3 still has the same issue. Here’s what ive tried so far:

    – Installed it on two different websites
    – With different themes, including WP 2020 and WP 2021 themes
    – Disabled all other plugins and left this one running by itself
    – Tried different browsers and even cleared cache (also, no caching plugins running)
    – Even after triple-checking the correct option in the plugin settings, i still see the same “Only available to logged-in users” after logging out.

    I’m at a loss! I suppose it’s not a HUGE deal or a deal breaker, though i am curious to know what happened, haha. Did it ever work for you, personally? (either the old version or the new?)


    Plugin Author Stefano


    Yes, it did work for me with 1.4.3. But it turns out I had made a mistake where I actually had the related option in the settings disabled, and tested it with that. So the behavior was actually reverted. Just to check we are on the same page, can you try to disable the option and see if it works? In case I will then just fix this wrong behavior 🙂

    PS. Thanks for the donation, much appreciated!

    A nice day,

    Thread Starter Diablo2


    Whoa, you’re right! The option is totally reversed. I disabled it and now i can see the contents while logged out, haha.

    And no prob, thanks for the ongoing attention to detail!

    Plugin Author Stefano


    Nice, thanks for checking. Version 1.4.4 should fix this for good then, with the correct option behavior 🙂

    Thread Starter Diablo2


    Works like a charm, thanks again! Enjoy your week.

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