• I have a widget showing posts from multiple categories, and would like to have each post’s category displayed underneath the featured image (Like where the date goes, if you have that enabled). Is there a simple way I could “hack it” to make this work? Or maybe this feature could be added? It seems like something people would use and appreciate. (It’s very similar to displaying a post’s category in the entry meta, which is something that’s often done by default.)

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  • sorry, you mean display categories like this

    display categories chek..display categories at plugin RPWE



    @mywahyudi is this really the Recent Posts Widget Extended? I’ve got the same problem and I have no option to check which is called like that …



    yes sure, exactly this is RPWE you must add file from gift hub for display category and author. you follow guide from gift hub to add file for display category and author
    text me via my line : mywa2020 if you any problem



    @mywahyudi thanks for your answer.
    Actually I had downloaded and installed the plugin like this (not sure if it was really github), but maybe it was another version …
    Do you have a github link to where you have downloaded your plugin?
    thanks 🙂

    I have the same thing.
    I would like to display category under the title of the post.
    I downloaded the plugin trough wordpress.
    Where can i find this github file or something?
    Thank you

    Meanwhile I found another plugin:

    There I can display the category of each post. Maybe it’ll help you too.

    That other one has nice features, but it does not work with custom post types and custom taxonomies in the free version which I was looking for.

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