• Resolved theaccentshop


    I had this code working few updates ago. It displays product attribute called “manufacturer” on the invoice. Now, the invoice show up with white background and black text only. I think the code might be outdated. Any suggestions?

    </dt><dt><?php $wpo_wcpdf->product_attribute(‘manufacturer’, $item[‘product’]); ?></dt>


    Edit: The problem was due to the deletion of the product from my inventory. Causing the PDF invoice to display nothing but plain text. Is there a way to avoid this?

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  • Thread Starter theaccentshop


    Sorry, the custom code is:
    <?php $wpo_wcpdf->product_attribute(‘manufacturer’, $item[‘product’]); ?>

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    You can add a check to prevent removed products from breaking this:

    <?php if (!empty($item['product'])) $wpo_wcpdf->product_attribute('manufacturer', $item['product']); ?>

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter theaccentshop


    Wonderful, that’s what I needed.
    I just need to add the sentence “Manufacturer Number:” inside the bracket somewhere.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter theaccentshop


    Manufacturer Number: still shows up when field is empty as of now

    <dl><dt>Manufacturer Number: </dt><dt><?php if (!empty($item[‘product’])) $wpo_wcpdf->product_attribute(‘manufacturer’, $item[‘product’]); ?></dt></dl>

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    This is basic PHP, but here goes:

    <?php if (!empty($item['product'])) : ?>
    <dl><dt>Manufacturer Number: </dt><dt><?php $wpo_wcpdf->product_attribute('manufacturer', $item['product']); ?></dt></dl>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter theaccentshop


    Thank you for the great help!
    PHP is not my strongest points 🙁

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    You’re welcome, glad I could help 🙂


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