• Resolved marscom


    I’m setting up some kind of sharing platform for a local association. Members can offer to lend their stuff for free. Therefore, it’s a little bit annoying when
    a) the $ indication is shown in the subscriber’s listing details
    b) the menu shows “payment history” when there is no payment at all…
    What to do in order to completely disable all money related info?

    Thanks so much,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author pluginsware



    Just uncheck “Enable Price” option under the plugin’s Settings page to disable the price field.

    To remove Payment History Menu,

    1. Go to “WordPress Admin Panel => Classifieds & Directory => Settings => Advanced Tab => Pages”

    2. Find the “Payment History” setting and assign no page(“Select a page”) to this option.

    3. Save the changes and try now.


    Thread Starter marscom


    Thanks for your help! This worked fine.

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