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  • Plugin Support Kim White


    Hello @mandraagora ,

    I see two longins on your page however the code says they are both Peepso.

    Classes on each are:
    ps-form ps-form–login ps-js-form-login
    ps-form ps-form–login ps-js-form-login-widget

    The one on the sidebar is likely a widget you can remove.

    The PMPro login code is added through our shortcode, [pmpro_login]. Or our login widget.

    All the Best,
    Kim White
    Support Engineer at Paid Memberships Pro

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Kim White.
    Plugin Support Jarryd Long


    Because there have not been any recent updates to this topic, we will be changing the status to resolved.

    If you’re enjoying Paid Memberships Pro, would you mind rating it 5-stars to help spread the word?

    Kind Regards,
    Support Manager at Paid Memberships Pro

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