• Resolved hochhardt


    We are not allowed to load Google fonts in the EU. But your plugin loads the fonts directly from Google. How can we disable this?

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author QuantumCloud



    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will release a new version soon with a solution.


    Plugin Author QuantumCloud



    We have released a new version for the ChatBot. Please upgrade and disable the custom color option from Settings -> Icons and Themes -> Custom Style Options.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter hochhardt


    Thank you. I have applied the update and disabled the Custom Colors. The Google Fonts are still loaded. It’s not about the Custom Colors but about the fonts.

    Plugin Author QuantumCloud


    The google font options are also under the Custom Color option. Can you please share your page link?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter hochhardt


    There are many references to Google Font in the scripts.

    I can’t see any Google Fonts option in admin. Cache is cleared. Feel free to check here: https://www.hochhardt.de

    Plugin Author QuantumCloud


    Thanks for the details! I am checking this with the dev team.

    Plugin Author QuantumCloud



    From the link, it seems like you are using the Pro version! We thought you were using the Free version since you posted here, and released update for that 🙂

    No worries. Please open a support ticket from https://qc.ticksy.com/ , we will fix the Pro version and release an update for you soon too.

    Thank you!

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