• Resolved wordmax


    The misc > disable caching check box option for the blocks is really nice. Especially for rotating ads where we don’t want users to see the same cached ad. You have included compatibility with WP Rocket, WP Super Cache and WP Total Cache. Two other very popular cache plugins are WP Fastest Cache and Litespeed.

    Would the developer team please consider adding bypass cache compatibility for these other plugins as well? Thank you for making a great plugin!

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  • Plugin Author Spacetime


    Caching has no impact on rotation – make sure you set Dynamic blocks to Client-side insert:

    Disable caching only for blocks that really should not be cached – this is rarely the case.

    What you mention is not exactly compatibility – Ad Inserter simply defines PHP constants used by those caching plugins to disable caching.

    Other plugins use different methods and this is already under development.

    Plugin Author Spacetime


    You can check the latest development version – added support for those two caching plugins:

    Thread Starter wordmax


    That is great. Thank you. Will test it out and see how it goes.

    p.s. One example before, where we noticed benefit of disable caching was for a plugin Auto Amazon links. They have an option to randomize order of products displayed on page load, but when cache was active, the randomize did not work on front-end because the page was cached. When we chose to disable caching for the code in ad inserter block, the randomize order of products in list displayed works every time the page is refreshed.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by wordmax.
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